The Morning After: AMC Best Picture Showcase Part 2

I attended the second weekend of AMC’s Best Picture Showcase and considering how I felt about the first weekend , I wasn’t expecting anything spectacular. What I got to see on the second weekend surprised me greatly though. The second weekend had a lineup that started with Hugo in 3D, The Help, Extremely Loud & Incredibly Close, The Artist and Midnight in Paris. From the limited amount of information I sought out to be familiar with the films I was going to see The Artist was easily my most anticipated film in the lineup. The lineup surprised me from start to finish. I’m going to jump into the films briefly and then I’ll give my overall impressions on all the nominations and who I feel will win and what my personal favorite film was from the nominations.

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Best Picture Profile (Part II): The Descendants, The Help, and Moneyball

Charles Bukowski once wrote, “People see so many movies that when they finally see one not so bad as the others, they think it’s great. An Academy Award means that you don’t stink quite as much as your cousin.”

This is a fantastic quote for two reasons: 1) It’s written by Bukowski. 2) It proves my point that whether we love or hate the Oscars, the American awards ceremony will always be relevant in our lives — even Bukowski can’t help discussing it. So let’s continue with the next 3 films nominated for Best Picture that don’t “stink” quite as much as their cousins.

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Snowball Summit Previews 2012’s Oscar Nominations

The 2012 Oscar nominations have finally been announced! Whether you love or despise this annual glamour fest, you have to admit, it always provides plenty to talk about….or argue or complain about. Continue reading